Stay safe with the enhanced ScamShield app
Check for scams
Know if a suspicious message, link, or number is likely a scam
Report potential scams
Submit reports with screenshots, so we can monitor them better
Block and filter scams
Set up your phone to block calls and SMSes from scammers
Get the app today
Visit the App Store or Play Store to download the ScamShield app, or update to the latest version for new features.
new feature
Check for scams
Received a suspicious message, link, or number? You can now use the ScamShield app to check if it's likely a scam.
new feature
Check for scams
Received a suspicious message, link, or number? You can now use the ScamShield app to check if it's likely a scam.
new feature
Check for scams
Received a suspicious message, link, or number? You can now use the ScamShield app to check if it's likely a scam.
improved reporting
Submit scam reports
If you have encountered a potential scam, report it to us along with screenshots, so we can monitor it more effectively.
improved reporting
Submit scam reports
If you have encountered a potential scam, report it to us along with screenshots, so we can monitor it more effectively.
improved reporting
Submit scam reports
If you have encountered a potential scam, report it to us along with screenshots, so we can monitor it more effectively.
Improved detection
Block and filter scams
The ScamShield app blocks calls from numbers known to be used in illegal activities. It also filters or alerts you to suspicious SMSes.
Improved detection
Block and filter scams
The ScamShield app blocks calls from numbers known to be used in illegal activities. It also filters or alerts you to suspicious SMSes.
Improved detection
Block and filter scams
The ScamShield app blocks calls from numbers known to be used in illegal activities. It also filters or alerts you to suspicious SMSes.
Have you been scammed?
If you have fallen for a scam, please file an official report directly with the police. Scam reports submitted on ScamShield are NOT e-reports.